Tuesday, 7 February 2012


Well, I am into day 2 of having all my children at school and feel like I am getting sooo much done, so with time up my sleeve, I will endevour to share all my daily finds with you all.....
Today, it is fabric covered books. I have always had a fondness for these and think the colours look so appealing together.

These books are in really great condition and at only $5 each, are an affordable way to create a sweet display.
The apothecary jar is filled with old train tickets. I purchased a very large amount of these recently- not sure why?? They were calling to me. They also make an interesting display I think. There are some groups of these for sale in our ebay store or you can message me if you would like to buy some direct.

Bec xx


afistfullofweeds* said...

Lovin the books all stacked together!!!!

Shabby Vintage Junk said...

Very YUMMY indeed.... :o) !!!

Barn House Antiques said...

I love stacks of old books!